Sunday, March 27, 2011

Browsing Through San Francisco-1

    My family and I spent a couple of days at uncle Philip and aunt Phillis’ house, getting rid of our jet lag. The long flight sapped our vigor, so we started our trip for real after we’ve accommodated to local time.
    The first stop was downtown San Francisco. Uncle Philip drove us to San Francisco since it was not far from Fremont and in there we marveled the flourish of it. In Fremont, vistas were placid, while in San Francisco, streets were busy. Traffic and pedestrians sprawled, but the state was not in a turmoil.
   Flower street was a quite renowned resort in San Francisco, although it was merely composed of some lovely houses, a winding path, and many flowers in riotous profusion. Walking down
Flower Street made me feel delightful, and people from all sides of walk shared and savored the glamour.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Point of Departure

My family and I went to California on July 3rd in 2010, and that was the second sightseeing tour of California. The primary purpose of the tour was to visit some universities which held time-honored reputation, in case that my younger sister will study aboard after she graduates from university. There was also a dual purpose for rest of my family: to undergo an experience of exotic scenery, such as architectures and national parks.

Here is where we started our journey, a serene residential quarter in Fremont. Our home pa and home ma are my mother’s senior high school classmate and her husband, uncle Philip and ant Phillis, who immigrated to America more than twenty years ago. Not only did they accommodate us ,but also be our tour guide during the days we stay in their house.

My family and I loved uncle Philip and ant Phillis’ house. It was a common house in America, but for us who lives in the jungle of cement, was of great surprise. Among all amazements, what surprised us the most is the garden cover with green meadow, strewing with many sorts of fruit trees and flourishing flowers. We woke up in the morning and helped ourselves picking plums and raspberries from the garden for breakfast, experienced the rural way of life. As for dinner, we waited until uncle Philip and ant Phillis went back home then enjoy the delightful meal ant Phillis prepared.

Compared to the following days that are compacted with solid plans, these days were relatively cozy.