Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Browsing Through San Francisco-2

    Uncle Philip dropped us down at a main square near an avenue, and we walked around and vibrated with the vitality of the city. I saw many boutiques just on the wayside, and the architecture and showcases were elaborately designed. A scent of modern pervaded the atmosphere of the whole area.

    Although I had only a nibble of San Franco, I felt myself like a small insect dipped into maple syrup, reluctant to leave. There was still a lot that I haven’t experienced. It was a pity, but the defect couldn’t obscure the virtues. The browse hit the mark of the main point and was ineradicable 

1 comment:

  1. I haven't been to America before, so I am interested in knowing more about this land. Sounds like San Francisco is a good place to visit, all the things you described is so attractive to me that I really envy you! Ha ha!

    Honestly speaking, I check out the dictionary many times when I reading this article and I have to say that your English writing skill is really good!:D

    By the way, I am wondering what a coincidence that I just listen to the song "Hotel California" again and again yesterday and today I found that you are my partner this week! That's so interesting, isn't it?
